Merit Scholarships

Merit Scholarship Program

The Beta Theta Pi Foundation awards roughly 100 tuition-based scholarships each year to Betas and their sons/daughters. Several scholarships are restricted to particular chapters or fields of study, according to terms of the original endowment.

Scholarships are awarded based on final scores from a three-judge panel — the higher the score, the higher the award.

These are tuition-based scholarships, and the award must be applied toward tuition at the recipient’s college or university. Find more information about this year’s scholarship opportunities below.

Merit Scholarships – Betas Only

Last year, the Beta Theta Pi Foundation awarded $120,350 in tuition-based Merit Scholarships, with awards ranging from $275 to $2,500.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are initiated members of Beta Theta Pi and who will be enrolled as full-time students in the 2025-26 academic year are eligible to apply for Merit Scholarships. Previous recipients are not eligible.

Applications must be submitted online by April 15, 2025.

Apply Today (Betas Only)

Merit Scholarships – Sons and Daughters of Betas (Brooks and Previdi)

The Beta Theta Pi Foundation awards two scholarship funds each year that provide tuition assistance to sons or daughters of members of Beta Theta Pi. In 2025, both the Seth R. and Corinne H. Brooks Memorial Scholarship and the Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship will produce two scholarships ($1,450 and $1,225 each, respectively).

Any student attending college full-time in the 2025-26 academic year (including post-graduate students) who is the son or daughter of a Beta alumnus is eligible to apply. The Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship is restricted to individuals majoring in Education.

Applications must be submitted online by April 15, 2025.

Apply today (Sons and Daughters of Betas)

Scholarships and Grants

In 2021, the Beta Foundation granted nearly $500,000 directly to chapters and members in Men of Principle Scholarship Grants and both merit and need-based scholarships. In 2022, it’s matching that amount in order to promote the Fraternity’s commitment to the cultivation of the intellect and make the Beta experience accessible and affordable to everyone.
Men of Principle Scholarships

Men of Principle Scholarship Grants

Merit Scholarships

Merit Scholarships

DEA Grant Program

DEA Grant Program