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Advisor Academy

Providing support, education and connection to local chapter advisors

Advisor Academy

The Advisor Academy is a series of events exclusively for chapter advisors focused on high-level learning and inspiration. Delivered both virtually as conference-style events in-person as drive-in-style events, each session is an opportunity to hear from Beta staff, keynote presenters and other volunteers on a variety of topics that are essential to highly successful advising efforts.

Advisor Academy Highlights

Advisor Academy is designed to provide our most essential volunteers with education that will help them to better guide, coach and mentor chapter leaders. Each session provides an inspirational keynote from a Fraternity leader, as well as an opportunity for advisors to participate in focused breakout sessions of their choice on topics such as:
  • Advisor Basics
  • Navigating Student Mental Health
  • Planning Safe Chapter Events
  • Strong Officer Transitions
  • Creating an Inclusive Brotherhood
  • Am I at Risk?
  • Insurance Basics for Advisors
  • and many more!
Advisors are also encouraged to network with others from similar campus types, chapter sizes and/or facing similar advising challenges.
Beta Theta Pi invites feedback from past and future Advisor Academy attendees about desired topics for breakout sessions. If you have an idea, please send it to Senior Director of Leadership and Education Dr. Viancca Williams.
Leadership College Highlights 02

“Beta Theta Pi is a family descended from generations of Bridge Builders.”
– Peter E. Van de Water, St. Lawrence ’58

Essential Information


Sunday, May 4, 2025
1:00-5:30 p.m. Eastern


All advisors are invited to participate. Sessions will be offered to provide skills and knowledge to all advisors, as well as a specific track dedicated to the finance advisor.


The event is free for all volunteers to attend.


For additional help, please contact the Administrative Office at or calling 800.800.BETA (2382).

Quick Links


Registration is now open and closes on May 2


Attendee List
See who else is already signed up to attend Advisor Academy.

Who's Attending

Other Events

In addition to the annual Advisor Academy for all volunteers, the Fraternity hosts in-person, geography-based Advisor Academies as well as virtual “Lunch and Learns” throughout the year. Find information on these events below.

Lunch and Learn

Who: Volunteers (Advisors, General Fraternity Officers)

When: Ongoing (2024 Dates Below)

January 31 | February 28 | March 27 | April 24 | May 29 | June 26 | August 28 | September 25 | October 30 | November 20

Session recordings are linked to their respective dates above, when available. For recordings of previous years’ Lunch and Learns, visit the Volunteer Resources page.

Cost: The event is free for all advisors to attend.

Register: Participants may register for sessions here. Find topic descriptions and more using the event calendar.

Questions: Contact the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA.

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