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Founding Fathers

Campus leaders expanding Beta’s Broad Domain

Become a Founding Father

Beta Theta Pi establishes or reestablishes chapters on campuses across North America each year. The young men who choose to join and lay the foundation for the Fraternity’s future at these institutions are known as founding fathers. Interested in learning about this exciting opportunity on your campus? Read more below.

Founding Father Experience

Any enrolled student who joins a new or reestablished chapter of Beta Theta Pi on his campus is a founding father. To be sure, founding fathers enjoy the broad benefits of fraternity life. However, they are also charged with crafting a Beta experience at their institution that bucks the stigma traditionally associated with “frats,” as well as shaping the chapter’s culture for generations to come. If you’re looking to make a lasting impact on your campus while building and refining your leadership skills, becoming a Beta Theta Pi founding father may be right for you.

Being a founding father is a unique experience where you create and manage an organization from the ground up, then proudly look back on the legacy you’ve left for those who become members in the future.

Rather than adapt to a culture that does not align with your beliefs, you have the freedom and responsibility to help determine the direction of a new chapter on your campus. In addition to the numerous programs offered by the General Fraternity, there are several leadership opportunities available, beginning as early as the first term, where you will have a chance to help bring positive change to your Greek community through living the values of Beta Theta Pi.

Beta strives to support and enable founding fathers to be successful. It is the only fraternity to dedicate a full-time chapter development consultant for its newly-established chapters. For the first academic year, a trained Beta staff member will be on campus to oversee the founding fathers’ recruitment, education, and training. Moreover, each chapter has an entire local volunteer advisory team that has completed advisor training and will act as mentors and coaches.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Established in 2020, the Fraternity’s Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion counts among its members more than 25 undergraduates, alumni and industry professionals who are committed to ensuring Beta Theta Pi leads the interfraternal world on DEI matters.

The Board of Trustees has charged the commission with weaving its work into the fabric of Beta Theta Pi, initially by drilling down on tactical recommendations related to the language, voices and educational opportunities the Fraternity uses to create a culture of belonging.

While founding fathers are independently considered for membership using criteria related to academic performance, community engagement, extracurricular involvement, willingness to adhere to the Fraternity’s values and more, it is our strong desire to have the makeup of the new chapter reflect the university population in its entirety – not simply those who have traditionally sought out a fraternity experience.

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“There are many stigmas surrounding Greek life on college campuses, but I am part of a group of individuals that follows and lives the values of the organization and helps break barriers for all. I am always proud to wear the letters, as a symbol of everything that Beta represents.”

Jairo Becerra, Oregon ’23

Current Expansions

Each year, Beta Theta Pi selects a handful of campuses for expansion. This may include establishing new chapters at North America’s top universities or reestablishing one of many historic chapters where Beta is not currently active. Find a complete listing of the Fraternity’s current expansions here. Use the interactive map to learn more information about each project and see how to refer new members or apply for a Men of Principle Scholarship.
  • Arizona

    Delta Beta Chapter

  • Auburn

    Delta Zeta Chapter

  • Hanover

    Iota Chapter

  • Temple

    New Chapter

  • West Virginia

    Beta Psi Chapter


Delta Beta Chapter

Beta Theta Pi is proud to reestablish at the University of Arizona in fall 2024. Founded on October 31, 1959, the Delta Beta Chapter has over 1,000 lifetime members.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact


Grant Steffen

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Grant Steffen

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Wisconsin-Oshkosh '22
Expansion Lead: Arizona
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Central Michigan '12
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Minnesota '14
Men of Principle Scholarship Program
Recruitment and Retention Coaching
Campus Selection


Delta Zeta Chapter

Beta Theta Pi is proud to reestablish at the Auburn University in fall 2024. Founded on November 19, 1964, the Delta Zeta Chapter has over 1,500 lifetime members.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact


Steven Del Campo

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Steven Del Campo

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Dayton '23
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Central Michigan '12
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Minnesota '14
Men of Principle Scholarship Program
Recruitment and Retention Coaching
Campus Selection


Iota Chapter

The Iota Chapter was founded on May 19, 1853, at Hanover College and was reestablished in December 2024.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact


Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Central Michigan '12
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Minnesota '14
Men of Principle Scholarship Program
Recruitment and Retention Coaching
Campus Selection


New Chapter

Beta Theta Pi is proud to establish a new chapter at Temple University beginning in spring 2024.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact


Jairo Becerra

Chapter Development

Jairo Becerra

Chapter Development

Oregon '23
Expansion Lead: Temple
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Central Michigan '12
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Minnesota '14
Men of Principle Scholarship Program
Recruitment and Retention Coaching
Campus Selection

Cody Denton

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Cody Denton

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Purdue ’18
Expansion Lead: Temple
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

West Virginia

Beta Psi Chapter

Beta Theta Pi is proud to reestablish at the West Virginia University in fall 2024. Founded on September 15, 1900, the Beta Psi Chapter has over 2,000 lifetime members.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact


Tim Dieter

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tim Dieter

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Lawrence '23
Expansion Lead: West Virginia
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Tylere Presley

Associate Director of
Fraternity Growth

Central Michigan '12
Expansion Lead: Auburn
Re/founding Father Recruitment
Advisory Team Support

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Noah McHale

Senior Director of
Fraternity Growth

Minnesota '14
Men of Principle Scholarship Program
Recruitment and Retention Coaching
Campus Selection

  • Tulane

    Beta Xi Chapter

  • San Diego State

    Epsilon Beta Chapter

  • Central Florida

    Zeta Psi Chapter

  • Nebraska at Omaha

    New Chapter


Beta Xi Chapter

Founded on November 27, 1908, at Tulane University in New Orleans, the Beta Xi Chapter was reestablished in spring 2024

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact

  • 800.800.2382

San Diego State

Epsilon Beta Chapter

The Epsilon Beta Chapter at San Diego State University was founded on February 5, 1985, reestablishing in the fall of 2022.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact

  • 800.800.2382

Central Florida

Zeta Psi Chapter

Located in Orlando, Florida, the Zeta Psi Chapter was founded on February 14, 2004 and reestablished in fall 2023.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact

  • 800.800.2382

Nebraska at Omaha

New Chapter

The University of Nebraska at Omaha is a new campus for the Fraternity and was established in fall 2023.

Refer a Man to BetaMen of Principle Scholarship

Chapter ProfileBeta Leadership Fund Impact

  • 800.800.2382

“Beta Theta Pi has given me the perspective, environment, opportunities and brotherhood necessary for the journey that comes with being a man of principle, which I don’t believe would have been provided to me anywhere else. Most of all it has given me brothers that will last a lifetime and whose success I am just as invested in as my own.”

Rajay Dockery, South Florida ’21

Finances and Scholarships

Beta Theta Pi seeks to be transparent with the organization’s membership costs. Each member is expected to pay dues and fulfill their financial commitments to the General Fraternity and their local chapter.

First Term
Insurance and Risk Management Fee
New Member Fee
Initiation Fee
Subsequent Terms
Insurance and Risk Management Fee
General Fraternity Dues
Heritage Fund

A chapter may assess additional dues to help defray operating costs. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the chapter treasurer on your campus for more information about these fees, which may include (but are not limited to) the following:

Chapter Dues

Funds various operating costs, such as service events, intramural registration, social activities, etc.

Parlor Fee

Fee for all members for use of the chapter facility.

Meal Plan

Fee for members who eat meals at the chapter facility.


Rent for members who live in the chapter facility.

The Men of Principle Scholarship recognizes outstanding gentlemen, leaders and scholars on campuses Beta calls home. The scholarship is awarded annually to non-Greek male students who possess the qualities and characteristics desired by Beta members. Specifically, a commitment to mutual assistance, intellectual growth, trust, responsible conduct and integrity.

Importantly, applicants are not required to join Beta Theta Pi to be considered for the award. Find links to apply for the Men of Principle Scholarship on your campus in the map above.

Each year, the Beta Foundation helps ensure the Beta experience is affordable to all by distributing nearly $500,000 in merit and need-based affordability scholarships. Learn more about financial aid opportunities on the pages below.

Merit Scholarships

Merit Scholarships

“If you become a founding father you’re embarking on a selfless journey. The experience was very challenging, but infinitely rewarding. Beta gave me a chance to leave behind a legacy with my brothers and at my university that I am so proud of.”

John Maiorana, James Madison ’21

Frequently Asked Questions

What is different about being a founding father?

Rather than adapt to a culture that does not align with your beliefs, you have the freedom and responsibility to help shape the direction of a new chapter on campus. You have the ability to build your own positive experience and leave a legacy for those who will become members in the years after you graduate. Immediate leadership opportunities exist and are available for all members instead of having to wait two or three years. Becoming a founding father provides the chance to help bring positive change to the entire Greek community on your campus through living the values of Beta Theta Pi.

Interested in learning more about the founding father experience? Request more information on a chapter near you.

How much time do I need to commit?

It depends on your role in the Fraternity. If you are the president or an executive officer, you will have different responsibilities than a committee member. Either way, members can expect to invest at least five hours each week in Beta Theta Pi.

Can I become a founding father while remaining involved on campus?

The founding father process does require effort and time, but being involved on campus outside the Fraternity is equally important as part of being a Beta. In fact, our members are encouraged to be involved with other campus activities and university initiatives each year.

What support will founding fathers receive from the General Fraternity?

Beta Theta Pi is the only fraternity to dedicate a full-time development consultant to each of its newly established chapters. For the first academic year, a team of trained Beta staff members will be on campus to oversee the recruitment, education and training of new members. Plus, each chapter has a local volunteer advisory team that has completed General Fraternity advisor training and will support the chapter as mentors and coaches. Regularly scheduled visits by a Beta staff member continue every year going forward.

Select a campus from the list of current expansions above to see the staff providing support on site, or visit the staff directory to meet the entire team.

What have previous founding fathers thought of their experience?

Founding fathers make a lasting impact on their campuses past the four years they are there. Over the years, all have looked back and were proud of the leaders they’ve become and of how they shaped the chapter’s culture for future brothers. Hear testimonies from previous founding father can be found here.

I am concerned about finances ...

We understand there is a financial investment in becoming a founding father, but we do not want money to be the reason you miss this opportunity. The Beta Theta Pi Foundation offers more than $100,000 annually in scholarships ranging from $250 to $2,500. Further, payment plans can be established over a period of time to ease any burden.

Fraternities have a bad reputation. How will I not be associated with those stereotypes?

Fraternities are idealistic in nature. Internationally, many fraternities – including Beta – are dispelling these stereotypes through high-quality leadership programming and positive, culture-changing initiatives. You can be a part of eliminating that stereotype by creating the exemplary fraternity on campus, while forming friendships and bonds that will last throughout your life.

My parent or guardian is concerned about me joining a fraternity. What can I tell them?

It is understandable for parents and guardians to be concerned about joining a fraternity, even if it isn’t Beta, given the stereotypes portrayed in the media. However, research shows the positive impact fraternities have on college men, including stronger mental health and more confident leadership. As a founding fathers, you have the incredible opportunity to shape the culture of a young chapter and leave a legacy for generations of brothers to come.

Beta is committed to developing men of principle for a principled life by providing award-winning leadership programs to our members and ample resources to build a strong and inclusive brotherhood on your campus. We encourage you to share Beta’s resources as you continue conversations about joining the Fraternity with your parent or guardian.

I am worried that I will be looked down upon if I choose to drink ...

Beta Theta Pi supports responsible behavior, and all members are expected to uphold local laws and university regulations. We also encourage self-governance and believe founding fathers will make decisions befitting of Beta Theta Pi.

What do we have to do to be installed as a chapter?

Fulfill requirements as set by our Board of Trustees, including at least 40 men initiated, housing arrangements (if applicable), maintain financial stability, demonstrate academic excellence as a group and complete all requirements as set by the chartering committee of the General Convention. A charter petition must be prepared, voted and passed by the General Convention.

How can I get Beta on my campus?

Beta Theta Pi is very intentional when assessing prospective campuses for new or restarted chapters. The Fraternity cannot afford to invest resources in failed projects. It is unfair to founding members if the organization is not fully supporting them. Our fraternity growth department is recommended or identified when it is slated for evaluation and analysis when a campus is recommended or identified. Specifically, Beta gathers information in the following areas:

  1. Institution Quality
  2. University Support
  3. Alumni/Advisor Support
  4. Campus Culture
  5. Housing
  6. Overall Timing

If the campus is deemed a plausible candidate after assessing the data and critical questions, a site visit is often the next step. There is tremendous value in speaking face to face with university administration, faculty and staff, potential members, area alumni and community members to determine if Beta and the host institution are a good fit.

After further discussion, a campus is approved or denied as an overall prospect for expansion. If approved, depending on the timeline, negotiations with the university begin. If multiple fraternities are interested in expanding, a presentation and selection process may occur to determine which fraternity will be asked to join the community. In other cases, such as a chapter closure, a timeline for return may be negotiated.

The entirety of this process may take months or even years. If you would like Beta to consider establishing at your institution, contact Senior Director of Fraternity Growth Noah McHale, Minnesota ’14.

Request Information

Why should I "Go Beta"?

We believe life is about relationships. You will surround yourself with kind and intelligent people by “going Beta.” This organization is full of opportunity. It will enrich your life tremendously if you contribute and open yourself up to the experience.

Ready to “Go Beta”? Request information from a chapter near you.

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