Collegiate Resources
Each year, some 10,000 collegiate members carry forward Beta Theta Pi’s legacy on campuses across North America. Below are a number of resources for chapter leaders and those who works closest with them to promote the best Beta experience possible for the Fraternity’s members and guests.
Key Resources
Standard Chapter Operating Expectations
The Standard Chapter Operating Expectations (SCOE) are a set of standards that all chapters of Beta Theta Pi are expected to meet. They focus on seven key areas of chapter operations to provide a tangible and quantifiable performance gauge for every chapter. Moreover, they are a foundation for a healthy and successful chapter.
Cultivation of the Intellect
- Achieve a minimum chapter GPA at or above the campus All-Men’s Average (AMA) or 2.8 GPA for campuses that do not provide AMA
Chapter Advisors
- Work with an advisory team consisting of a chapter counselor, recruitment advisor, new member education advisor, risk management advisor and financial advisor
- Identify and appoint a faculty advisor
Membership Size
- At or above the average chapter size for fraternities on campus
(Greater than 40 men if the campus does not report the average fraternity size)
Membership Education
- Maintain a three-year initiation rate of 80% or higher
- Create a new member program that is certified annually using the “New Member Education Assessment” (NMEA)
Leadership Development
- Send ten attendees to the ten core leadership events annually
(Must include one CPLA attendee, one General Convention delegate, and eight Keystone attendees)
Chapter Standing and Operations
- Retain a status of “Good Standing” as per The Code of Beta Theta Pi
Financial Health
- Compliant with Chapter Accounting Standards and no current financial suspension for 90-day balance
The General Fraternity will provide report cards semi-annually, once at the General Convention and again at Presidents Academy.
Most importantly, the General Fraternity, through its officers, staff and volunteers, will educate and support on SCOE through a “safety net” of action plans designed to assist chapters in meeting the standard expectations.
Chapter Chartering Requirements
The following requirements are established by the General Secretary for all new and returning chapters to petition for a charter or return to “Good Standing” as a chapter of Beta Theta Pi.
A chapter should strive to meet or exceed each requirement in every year of existence with a “chartering year” running from January to December.
Petition Timeline
Any chapter seeking to earn a new charter or return an established charter to “Good Standing” status must submit its intention to do so and participate in a review process. A timeline of that process is provided below:
- Prior to the February 1 preceding General Convention or at least seven months before the General Convention, whichever is later, a petitioning chapter must submit a notice to the General Fraternity electronically via the form located here.
- The petition shall be accompanied by a recommendation from a General Fraternity Officer appointed to the chapter’s district.
- All charter/status requests will be reviewed at the following winter Board of Trustees meeting. This meeting typically occurs in late January or early February.
- After a majority vote of the Board of Trustees in favor of granting the charter, the petition shall be submitted to the next General Convention for its action. Chapters are usually updated on the status of their charter petition by mid-February.
- Throughout the remaining winter, spring and summer months, the chapter should intentionally develop its petition presentation outlining the chapter operations outlined in subsequent sections of this page.
- In late July or early August, the chapter will be required to present its petition to a General Convention committee made up of chapter and alumni association delegates. The format, logistics and limitations of these presentations will be communicated to the petitioning chapter prior to the end of April.
Although not required, chapters are strongly encouraged to seek the written support of their General Fraternity Officers (regional, district and assistant district chiefs), advisors, campus professionals and campus community members. The support from these key volunteers and community members, or lack thereof, are pivotal components of the Board’s review of each petition. Any letters of support should be attached to the chapter’s petition to the General Fraternity. Additional letters of support may be submitted to the Administrative Office staff, however, to ensure all letters are reviewed by all appropriate committees, submission concurrently with a chapter’s initial petition is highly encouraged.
Chapters are encouraged to address their progress against each requirement in the subsequent sections when submitting their intent to charter and during the following winter and spring terms.
*Note: “Good Standing” requires that a chapter abides by The Code of Beta Theta Pi, Risk Management Policy, federal and state laws, and Beta’s policies. This includes living in a substance-free chapter facility if the chapter is housed.
Cultivation of the Intellect
The chapter must demonstrate a commitment to developing its members academically.
- The chapter must submit all academic reports for each term of operations.
- The chapter should maintain an academic average for the chapter, consisting of all the grade point averages of all the pledges and collegiate members, equal to or exceeding the All-Men’s Average (AMA) and All-Campus Average (ACA) grade point for the campus.
- For those campuses who do not calculate an AMA, the minimum academic standard will be a 2.8 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent for each calendar year.
- The chapter must develop and utilize an academic assistance plan.
Chapter Advisors
As a responsibility of their roles, each director of fraternity services and chapter counselor must ensure local alumni and Friends of Beta demonstrate a commitment to providing mentorship and guidance. Note that a lack of a complete advising team will not reflect on the chapter’s overall petition for charter but that this category is still important to address during the evaluation process.
- The General Fraternity Officers must appropriately recruit, vet, appoint, and train advisors.
- The primary advisory team must be a chapter counselor, recruitment advisor, new member education advisor, risk management advisor, financial advisor and faculty advisor. Other advisors may be appointed to meet the needs of the particular chapter.
- The chapter and volunteers must demonstrate clear expectations regarding communication, participation and engagement.
Recruitment and Chapter Membership
The chapter must demonstrate its ability to consistently recruit and maintain a membership size equal to or greater than the average fraternity chapter size for its campus.
- The chapter must report its chapter size through its official roster.
- The chapter’s membership must consistently meet or exceed the average for all fraternities on their campus. A chapter size of at least 40 members is required for any campus that does not report the average fraternity size.
- The chapter must successfully incorporate the Men of Principle Scholarship into its recruitment operations.
- The chapter must appropriately distribute Men of Principle scholarship funds to potential new members following an established selection process.
- The chapter must leverage a relationship-based recruitment model to welcome new members. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Robust branding and marketing
- Multiple pathways to membership
- Lowering barriers to entry
- Formal invitations being given at a variety of times
Membership Education
The chapter must demonstrate its ability to appropriately educate new members prior to initiation and retain those new members through initiation.
- The chapter must maintain an average three-year initiation rate of 90% or higher.
- The chapter must utilize the Son of the Stars New Member Orientation Program or develop and execute a new member education program which is approved annually using the New Member Education Assessment criteria.
- The chapter must implement a member development program that builds well-rounded members who contribute positively to their chapter, campus and local communities.
- The chapter must demonstrate an ability to retain members through the completion of their academic program (graduation). This includes a demonstrated ability to recognize an area of concern and establish a plan to address that concern through the Kai Committee, member development, new member education, or other chapter operations.
Leadership Development
The chapter must demonstrate a commitment to developing its members personally and professionally through participation in core leadership development programs.
- The chapter must send one member to the Miller Nichols Chapter Presidents Leadership Academy each year.
- The chapter must send one member to the General Convention as its delegate each year.
- The chapter must send the required number of members to the Keystone Regional Leadership Conference each year, including winter and General Convention sessions when applicable.
- The chapter must send at least six additional members to leadership development experiences such as Peter F. Greiner Leadership College at General Convention, the John and Nellie Wooden Institute for Men of Principle or the NIC’s Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI).
- The chapter must participate in other educational programs offered by the General Fraternity, whether in-person or virtual. This includes, but is not limited to, education focused on risk management, new member recruitment and member retention.
Chapter Standing and Operations
The chapter must demonstrate its ability to maintain appropriate self-governance and adherence to the Fraternity’s policies, procedures, and values.
- The chapter must maintain “Good Standing” throughout the year prior to its charter petition. This includes both their campus and Fraternity status.
- The chapter must submit at least one competitive awards application in each of the four categories:
- Service | John Holt Duncan Service Award, Campus Involvement Award
- Alumni | Alumni Relations Award, Stephenson Historical Preservation Award
- Communications | North Dakota Award, Website Excellence Award
- Singing | Whitman Choral Cup, Best New Song, or Shelby Molter Song Competition
Financial Health
The chapter must demonstrate their ability to appropriately manage their financial health.
- The chapter must comply with the Fraternity’s Chapter Accounting Standards.
- The chapter must utilize a budget, outlining its revenues, expenses, dues and fees.
- The chapter must remain off “Suspended” status for a balance due greater than 90 days during the year in which it petitions for a charter.
General Convention Presentation
Once the chapter has received official notification of its petition’s advancement to the next General Convention, the chapter must fully participate in the General Convention committee review process.
- Each chapter will be reviewed by a panel of chapter and alumni association delegates.
- This review includes a formal presentation by the chapter highlighting its satisfactory completion of all operational requirements, achievements, shortcomings and plans for the future.
- The review committee will have a total of 60 minutes for each chapter’s presentation, a question-and-answer period and deliberation. We recommend each chapter limit its presentation to no more than 30 minutes. Click here to view sample presentations.
- Chapters should seriously consider the delegation they send to a General Convention in support of their petition and thoroughly prepare for the entire session.
- For additional resources or assistance, please reach out to your chapter development consultant.
*Note: “Good Standing” requires that a chapter abide by federal and state laws and all Beta Theta Pi policies, including the Risk Management Policy and Substance-Free Housing Policy.
Member Education
Anti-Hazing Hotline
Beta Theta Pi is a sponsor of the College Fraternity and Sorority Anti-Hazing Hotline, which provides a way for members to report possible hazing incidents. Callers may, but are not required to, remain anonymous.
If you or someone you know is subjected to hazing, call 888.NOT.HAZE immediately.
New Member Education (NME)
Beginning fall 2023, all chapters will be required to attend annual education and training on the requirements for new member education. Chapters using a locally-developed program must complete a discussion and verification process with a chapter advisor prior to beginning education of new members. If you are interested in switching your chapter to the Sons of the Stars (SOTS) new member education program, contact Associate Director of Leadership and Education Kirby Fitzpatrick.
Initiation Supplies
Equipment necessary to perform the Initiation Ceremony, including ritual robes, is available at To purchase, click on “Chapter Orders” from the sign-in menu and follow the prompts. If you have questions, contact customer service at 877.471.5410.
Other Resources
The following resources are made available by the General Fraternity for each chapter to download and use as a part of the new member program. Chapters are welcome to customize the resources to add or edit where appropriate for local use.
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Chapter Report Facilitation Guide
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Chapter Report Overview Presentation
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Definitions
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Campaign Plan
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Frequently Asked Questions
- Beta Brotherhood Assessment: Troubleshooting Guide
“Thus honor shall come to the badge that we wear and every Beta that honor shall share.” – Francis W. Shepardson, Denison 1882/Brown 1883
Membership Costs
All collegiate members of Beta Theta Pi pay membership costs to the General Fraternity. By joining, they also assume the obligation of maintaining the Fraternity’s financial viability and operation. This means each member is expected to pay dues and fulfill their financial commitments.
To assist with budgeting, member billing and dues collection, payables, and IRS compliance and reporting, chapters are strongly encouraged to partner with Billhighway. As the Fraternity’s official chapter-accounting partner. Billhighway users enjoy full integration with Administrative Office member rosters, access to historical financial records and annual IRS Form 990 submissions on the chapter’s behalf by the General Fraternity. If you’d like to speak with someone regarding Billhighway, call the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA.
- Billhighyway FAQ
- What do I need to do in order to partner with Billhighway?
- What is the pricing for Billhighway?
- Billhighway Gold and Platinum Programs
- How do I add my parent’s email to Billhighway, so they are copied on my bills?
Other Resources
Risk Management
Alcohol and illegal drugs, hazing, fighting, sexual harassment and the like can have a devastating effect on Beta brotherhood. As risk is unlikely to be totally eliminated, Betas must do everything possible to manage existing risks. The eradication of substance abuse through education, intervention, mutual support and progressive sanctions imposes the highest level of chapter self-governance, monitoring and discipline.
Crisis Response
In case of a crisis:
- Call 911 immediately if life or limb is at risk.
- Gather all the facts.
- Call Beta Theta Pi at 800.800.BETA within the first hour. The director of chapter services or director of risk management services can be reached 24 hours per day, seven days per week using this line.
- Inform your district chief, chapter counselor, risk management or legal advisor, house corporation president, and fraternity/sorority life advisor.
- Consult your chapter legal counsel/risk management advisor.
- Hold a chapter meeting, explain the situation and assign jobs.
- Submit an incident report form online within 24 hours.
- Continue gathering facts and reporting updates regularly to your local advisors and to the Administrative Office.
When to report a risk management incident:
Members of Beta Theta Pi are responsible for promptly reporting all incidents that could result in an insurance claim or be reported in the campus or community media. Prompt reporting can often prevent minor incidents from developing into major problems.
Do not admit liability or responsibility for any occurrence:
In general, liability claims are a result of conditions on your premises and/or general operations that are likely to involve someone other than members, employees or officers.
What do I report?
On the scene of the accident or occurrence, get the names, addresses and phone numbers of all those involved, including witnesses, in the event of:
- Any incident including personal injury to a member or guest during an official Fraternity event or while on Fraternity property, allegations of sexual violence regarding a chapter member or guest, hazing or alcohol violations, or specific violations of the General Fraternity Risk Management Policy. This includes severe injuries incurred during an intramural event.
- Any lawsuits or subpoenas served on you, your chapter or the General Fraternity by an officer of the court.
- Any contacts by an attorney or investigator asking about an occurrence that happened at the Fraternity or that involved members.
What do I do after I report?
- Do not admit responsibility or liability in any accident or occurrence.
- NEVER discuss an incident with an attorney or investigator, other than appropriate law enforcement officials, without clearance from the Administrative Office or a representative from Favor and Company, Beta’s insurance provider.
- Appoint one spokesman – preferably the chapter president – to respond to any outside inquiries about the occurrence.
- Instruct your brothers not to discuss incidents with anyone.
- Within 48 hours, submit a detailed written report with as much information as possible, including witnesses, circumstances leading to the occurrence, whether alcohol was involved and if it was a chapter-sponsored event.
- Continue constant communication with the Administrative Office or Favor and Company.
What can I do to protect Beta Theta Pi?
Use common sense and good judgment. Do not hesitate to call the Administrative Office or Willis HRH, LLC., with any questions. Report all the facts as they happened. Do not attempt to hide or alter the facts, no matter how damaging they may seem. Investigations are based on the facts as reported. Cooperate with law enforcement officials.
How should I deal with the media?
First, ensure that only one designated spokesman responds to the media – preferably the chapter president. Review Beta’s Crisis Communication Protocol and immediately contact the Administrative Office at 800.800.2382 if an inquiry is received.
Crisis Communications Protocol
- Crisis Management Plan
- Crisis Response and Media Support
- Anonymous Social Media Accounts
- Anti-Greek Life Activism
- Campus Activism
Trial by Chapter
“The man of principle and integrity who has developed character and self-discipline is the man that humanity must always turn to for its salvation.” – Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22
Special Initiation Form
As a way of showing appreciation for their supporters, chapters may choose to initiate an unaffiliated community member, parent or Friend of Beta onto the chapter roll. If interested, chapters should complete and submit the Special Initiation Form below. Questions should be directed to the Administrative Office at 800.800.BETA.
Chapter Statuses and Member Agreements
Current members, prospective members, parents and other constituents may take note of Beta chapters that recently experienced a status change with the General Fraternity, as well as the most recent Membership Agreement and agreed-upon Dispute Resolution Plan.
The General Fraternity recognizes chapter and individual success and achievement at the General Convention each summer. Award applications open February 1 and close April 15 each year. If you have any questions or want more information, please review this FAQ document or contact the awards committee at
This form will allow you to submit information for approval regarding other leadership events — such as university events, AFLV, etc. — that may apply toward awards with leadership development criteria.
Knox Award
Beta Theta Pi’s top chapter achievement, Knox Award-winning chapters, are truly shining examples of how a chapter can live up to its potential and live out Beta’s values.
Knox Award Criteria
There is no application for this award. The Knox Award is calculated based on historical chapter performance and information submitted by your chapter. Chapters that don’t submit needed data could be disqualified for the award. The SCOE report on MyBeta > your chapter homepage shows how your chapter is performing against most Knox Award criteria.
Criteria: Cultivation of the Intellect
Achieve a minimum chapter GPA at or above the All-Campus Average (ACA). Chapters can track their historical performance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > GPA Graphs.
Criteria: Chapter Size
Maintain a chapter size at or above the average chapter size for all fraternities on campus. For chapters where the campus does not report the average chapter size for fraternities, the Beta chapter must have at least 40 members. In addition, the chapter must utilize the Men of Principle Grant Program in its entirety, including applying for, receiving, and disbursing the grant in the academic year immediately prior to Convention.
Criteria: Membership Education: New Member Education
Complete PPEA Certification by the deadlines established by the Board of Trustees (September 1 for fall; December 15 for spring, or 2 weeks before bid day/induction). Certifications are reported by the district chief.
Criteria: Membership Education: New Member Retention
Maintain a three-year initiation rate of 90% or higher. Chapters can track their historical performance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > Pledge to Initiation.
Criteria: Membership Education: Cultural Assessment
At least 90% of members participate in the Beta Brotherhood Assessment. Chapter presidents will receive ongoing participation reports while the October assessment opens.
Criteria: Leadership Development
Chapters can track their historical attendance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > Leadership Development. Chapters must:
- Have seven attendees at the core leadership events annually from June to May. This includes: one attendee at Chapter Presidents Leadership Academy, one General Convention Delegate, and five attendees at Keystone Leadership Conferences (Convention and Winter Leadership Conclave).
- Send four attendees to the optional leadership events annually from June to May, including but not limited to Wooden Institute, Leadership College and Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute.
Criteria: Chapter Standing and Operations
Have good standing status with both the host campus and the General Fraternity during the entire academic year prior to the award application process and submit competitive applications for at least one award in each of these four categories:
- Service: John Holt Duncan Service Award or Campus Involvement Award
- Alumni: Outstanding Alumni Relations Award or Stephenson Historical Preservation Award
- Communications: North Dakota Communication Award
- Singing: Whitman Choral Cup, Best New Song or Shelby Molter Song Competition Award
Criteria: Financial Health
Compliant with Chapter Accounting Standards and no financial suspension for a 90-day balance with the General Fraternity during the previous academic year.
Sisson Award
Second, only to the Knox Award, Sisson Award-winning chapters maintain high standards and inspire complete chapter participation, cooperation and involvement.
Sisson Award Criteria
There is no application for this award. The Sisson Award is calculated based on historical chapter performance and information submitted by your chapter. Chapters that don’t submit needed data could be disqualified for the award. The SCOE report on MyBeta > your chapter homepage shows how your chapter is performing against most Sisson Award criteria.
Criteria: Cultivation of the Intellect
Achieve a minimum chapter GPA at or above the campus All-Men’s Average (AMA). For campuses that do not provide an All-Men’s Average, the chapter must be at or above a 2.8 GPA, as required by the Code of Beta Theta Pi. Chapters can track their historical performance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > GPA Graphs.
Criteria: Chapter Size
Maintain a chapter size at or above the average chapter size for all fraternities on campus. For chapters where the campus does not report the average chapter size for fraternities, the Beta chapter must have at least 40 members.
Criteria: Membership Education: New Member Education
Complete PPEA Certification by the deadlines established by the Board of Trustees (September 1 for fall; December 15 for spring, or 2 weeks before bid day/induction). Certifications are reported by the district chief.
Criteria: Membership Education: New Member Retention
Maintain a three-year initiation rate of 85% or higher. Chapters can track their historical performance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > Pledge to Initiation.
Criteria: Membership Education: Cultural Assessment
At least 85% of members participate in the Beta Brotherhood Assessment. Chapter presidents will receive ongoing participation reports while the October assessment opens.
Criteria: Leadership Development
Chapters can track their historical attendance at MyBeta > your chapter homepage > Chapter Reports > Leadership Development. Chapters must:
- Have seven attendees at the core leadership events annually from June to May. This includes: one attendee at Chapter Presidents Leadership Academy, one General Convention Delegate, and five attendees at Keystone Leadership Conferences (Convention and Winter Leadership Conclave).
- Send two attendees to the optional leadership events annually from June to May, including but not limited to Wooden Institute, Leadership College and Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute.
Criteria: Chapter Standing and Operations
Have good standing status with both the host campus and the General Fraternity during one semester or two quarters prior to the award application process and submit competitive applications for at least one award in two different categories:
- Service: John Holt Duncan Service Award or Campus Involvement Award
- Alumni: Outstanding Alumni Relations Award or Stephenson Historical Preservation Award
- Communications: North Dakota Communication Award
- Singing: Whitman Choral Cup, Best New Song or Shelby Molter Song Competition Award
Criteria: Financial Health
Compliant with Chapter Accounting Standards and no financial suspension for a 90-day balance with the General Fraternity during the previous academic year.
Recognizes a chapter’s commitment to historical education and preservation, exemplifying the passion displayed by former archivist H.H. Stephenson Jr., Miami ’39.